Thursday, March 27, 2008

I ruined newspapers

I got careless and destroyed the great American newspaper. Not only that, I destroyed the next generation, too!

Well, I didn't do it alone. I had help from the entire Baby Boom generation. My full confession is at WhapWhap sounds kinky, but it's not. It's sort of technology, journalism, Fred Willard, Christopher Guest, Old English and other stuff all rolled into one.

My close encounter with DB Cooper

Well, it could have been DB Cooper. I do live in the Pacific Northwest and all.

Anyway, there was this guy behind me in a check-out line at Fred Meyer. He was wearing black-rimmed glasses and a jacket. He looked like DB Cooper. And, there's more evidence it might, possibly, as in I can't say with certainty it wasn't DB Cooper, in this posting on my main blog ...